Questing results in leveling and leveling results in more skills and abilities. You can add bars and create a side bar as well. You can also assign a hot key to it so it will be more accessible while playing PvP and Questing. This is where your Skills and spells are placed. You can also create a new window for different players you are talking to. You can change its font size to make it more space friendly. You can unlock it and drag it wherever you want on the screen. You can Press “M” to access the main map. It also has Tracking ability, Time, Calendar, Mail and a Zoom in – Zoom out button. This will help you locate the Quest givers and Quest turn ins.

Mini Map: This is the most helpful tool you can use as a beginner.Character and Pet information: Shows the basic stats of your character, pet info, gear inventory and different reputations you are building.It shows you the character and pet information on the upper left corner, a mini map on the upper right corner, a chat box on the lower left corner and an action bar at the bottom of your screen. It is user friendly and straight forward. WoW interface is not that different from any other role playing game. Familiarize yourself with the user interface.